Monday, November 2, 2009

Life Goes On...

Well life goes on. Sat down with this great green cup of tea from our dear friend Jessica in Beijing only to be interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

Was waiting for John's SLP to arrive. It was his year evaluation today. Thought it was his therapist, but it was the school nurse telling me to come get my daughter who had a stomach ache. No swine flu, just little kid tummy trouble. So John had his eval., but no therapy today.

Back to the tea. Do not know the name of the tea, but it has a great floral taste with a hint of smokiness to it. Very fresh and invigorating. Container is in photo. I can't read the characters yet, so no info. on this one.

Left over stuffed cabbages today from Baba, so no recipes to post. Maybe tomorrow! Off to read Choosing Naia.

Choosing Naia: A family's journey, Zuckoff, Mitchell. Boston: Beacon Press, 2002
A powerful story based on an award-winning series of newspaper articles first published in the Boston Globe, about a young couple whose first child is diagnosed with a significant heart anomaly and with Down syndrome. The book traces their emotional and intellectual journey through making a decision to continue the pregnancy, and the first months of baby Naia's life.

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