Tuesday, May 4, 2010

#1 & #2

SSo, the lastest is that I'm doing #1 & #2 on the potty w/Mom's help when she asks me to try.She thinks I don't know what's going on, but I'm humoring her. It's fun to hear the tinkle sound in the potty. And Mom's cheering and high fives are pretty cool too. I guess I'll keep trying for a while, till I get bored... Then I'll tell her NO like I do with all the other things I don't want to try right now.

Meanwhile, you can see big sister and I have been keeping Mommy very busy. The pictures are blurry because we kept moving.We went to Brandywine Zoo together to see the opening of the new mural there. Mom forgot the camera, so no pictures of that!

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I'm drooling in this picture because 
I have been getting lots of teeth. I forget to swallow it sometimes.Oh well. 

Have a great day everybody,I'll catch up with you soon!

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