Monday, January 10, 2011

Been a long time since I've posted...

Been a long time since I've posted...

At the end of the summer I managed to get Lyme disease and it wasn't until October that I was treated for it. Didn't even know I had been bitten by a tick! No rash, no tick that I could see. Oh well. I thought I was going crazy because the symptoms kept changing. Finally went to the Dr. and he tested me for it and I tested positive thank goodness. (or I might still be trying to figure out why I was sick) I still have some lingering symptoms, but traditional medicine treats the disease (which is bacterial) with 30 days of doxycycline, then you are cured... I am seeing a wonderful homeopath to help my system get stronger and fight whatever is left inside me. Will update you as I progress with treatment.           

John now has green glasses by the company Mira~flex. They are really great. The first pair of regular glasses lasted about 3 days before they were bent in half. It took about 3 months to get the new glasses, but they are well worth it. Even if he takes them off they don't break as easily.

John recognizes his alphabet and #'s 1-5. He can stand from a sit, but hasn't quite taken that independent step yet. He's getting ready to start preschool at Bush in the fall. I can't believe it!

Juliana is loving school again this year. First grade is good, even with homework. She is reading and writing and learning her math skills. She has been quickly improving her swimming skills at the YMCA. She has just graduated to the minnow level. Now she swims better than me! Of course that isn't too difficult to do.

Well that's it for now. Will check in again soon. Till then take care.
          Have a Happy New Year!